Help us to Save

A Helping Hand for the Homeless People

Our Core Sectors

We invest in four key areas


Economic Opportunity

We provide economic opportunity through innovation, helping rural areas to thrive; to promote agriculture production that better nourishes communities while also helping feed others throughout the world.


Health and Nutrition

Some rural residents and households are food insecure, meaning they cannot rely on access to sufficient, affordable, and nutritious food at all times, increasing the risk of poor health outcomes. Food insecurity is strongly associated with chronic disease and poor health.



For rural students, it can be difficult to connect new learning with prior experiences. Many times, rural students lack life experiences that other students may have because of the typically isolated nature of their families and communities, which can limit their ability to fully benefit from a diverse curriculum.


Water & Sanitation

As of October 2022, about 226 million people in Eastern and Southern Africa did not have access to basic water services, and 418 million people lacked access to basic sanitation services. The situation is worse in rural areas than in cities.


About Us

We’re worldwide non-profit charity foundation.

Humanity is a A Non-Profit Foundation, A Christian organization motivated by this vision: “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world” (James 1:27, KJV).

Our mission is simple: fight hunger, care for orphans, reduce poverty, provide education, providing training and employment and teach children the essential roles of motherhood, fatherhood, and family responsibility. Train children for jobs and careers that will break the cycle of poverty. Bring methods of clean water, sanitation, improved agricultural techniques, and personal hygiene to neighbors in extreme poverty. Raising orphans in sustainable, farm-based communities for orphans in loving families with a mother and a father who care for them as their own. Implement practical, sustainable solutions and technology to provide clean & safe food and water. Provide educational opportunities to develop skills in entrepreneurship and technology. Assist these families and their community neighbors to establish sustainable, African-based businesses with the help of YOU.

Support Us
We Are Fighting For

Recent Causes

Losing 25000 to Hunger Every Day

Each day, 25,000 people, including more than 10,000 children, die from hunger and related causes. Some 854 million people worldwide are estimated to be undernourished.


Our education programs create a better tomorrow

We are on a mission to create sustainable education in rural communities with a keen focused on reaching vulnerable children in rural areas where early learning resources are scarce.


Restore access to clean drinking water

As of October 2022, about 226 million people in Eastern and Southern Africa did not have access to basic water services, and 381 million people lacked access to basic sanitation services.


1.5 M

Services provided to people in 2021


Countries We Work

5 K

Finished Projects

$ 1 M

invested in all our programs last year

Our Mission

We’re on a mission to solve the water crisis and reinvent charity.

We're on a mission to bring clean water to the 418 million people living without it. You can join us. No matter how much you give, every cent funds clean water projects around the world.

  • We Build and Create
  • Medicine Help & Water Delivery
Volunteering for Guide

Meet Our Volunteers


Ava Farrington



Kevin Haley



Alishia Fulton



Bill Macaitis


Donate to Homeless People

We make every donation count
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Contact Us


831 902 9894


353 Barnheisel Rd, Hollister, CA 95023, United States